Woe to You Oh Earth and Sea for the Devil sends the beast with wrath because he knows the time is short Let him who hath understanding reckon the number of the beast for it is a human number its number is six hundred and sixty six.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

The Over 30 Mosh Crowd

Well, I must confess, I am in my early/mid 30's, and I got a case of the metal today, and now my back got thrown out as I tried showing my wife my moshing moves. I got nothing else.

Sat Testament

Thursday, September 25, 2008


I have a quiz. I must answer the following question properly. Please help!

Q) For a hill they will kill. Why?

A) They do not know
B) They do know
C) They know but aren't saying.
D) None of the above.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Last of the old school

You know, just before the Black album, which ushered in an era of watered-down metal from other old school favorites like Megadeth (Countdown to Extinction) and Anthrax (Sound of White Noise), it was amazing how many bands were coming out who were actually taking it harder than ever. Cases in point, Pantera and Sepultura. Sure, each band would have a role to play in the eventual rise of crap rock Nu-Metal, but just as everyone else was beginning to write ballads and love songs onto their albums, or hiring John Bush to sing for them, Pantera was turning almost into grindcore with their crunchy anti-ballad, This Love, and Sepultura released one of the classics of thrash metal, Arise.

Gandhi's just a minor threat

We can talk about Minor Threat, right? I mean, Slayer covered some of their songs so they can't be all bad. Regardless, it's pretty funny watching Sir Ben Kingsley lip sync Ian MacKaye and rock out.

Sir Ben Kingsley STOMPS into the shoes of Minor Threats' Ian MacKaye from Mean Magazine on Vimeo.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Bang your head...

...metal health will drive you mad!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Is this metal?

It is terrible, but it might also be metal. Are deranged, dangerous and random acts of violence metal? There is a connection between horror films and metal, so think on that.

Because who hasn't wanted to assault Oasis at some point?

Sure, the guy is at an Oasis show, but as he has done something every metal-head has probably wanted to do for years, I officially dub him metal. Now get better taste in music.

Anyway, Cracked has some good tips on how to punch Noel Gallagher - or any other member of Oasis for that matter - in the face.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Not sure what to say about this:

or this:

or this:

or this:

Is it better to be healthy or ill?

I asked Morbid Angel, and this was their reply:

The Question has been Answered -- Dogs Love Metal!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Things Don't Look Good - Genghis Tron

I can't help but be cynical about all the young poser metal bands out there now. But, Genghis Tron almost disconnected my head from neck they made it bang so hard with this video that moshes through the back alleys of the third world. And, with lyrics like "flames will walk the Earth," we're definitely in Number of the Beast territory. But then what is this about? "Drags the steel sprawl out towards the sea, pile these cold souls so tight they’ll hardly breathe..." Metal about urban sprawl? Really?

White Collar Metal?

I'm not sure if this is really possible:

Death Becomes You

If this isn't metal, nothing is metal.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Duncan Hills Coffee - Dethklok

This goes out to Horatio, who can't function without his morning metal brew.

If you think you love metal...

....you know you'll love this:

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Well I've got something to say

I killed your baby today
And it doesn't matter much to me
As long as it's dead

Welcome to Furious Metal

Oh yeah... we're really doing this.